it can wait

It’s official: the best way to break in a new pair of shoes is to dance in them.

And so, the cleaning, the tidying, washing, packing, cooking, calling, REALITY of LIFE can WAIT because I got new shoes today and they’re pretty and I’m listening to some awesome music and it’s sunny out and I am having a pretty awesome day.

It’s so weird how a mood can swing, up and down, from really crappy to really happy. But you know, you can make it happen yourself. Listening to great music, calling up a good friend, chatting away, curling up in bed with a good book and a hot chocolate until you feel ready to face the world again. It’s ok to figure things though at your own pace.

But the happier you are, the more happy energy you send out into the world, I believe, and I think that it’s a good thing to do. I don’t believe in karma or in a God who rewards those who do well and punishes those who don’t. I do believe that if you send out happy energy into the world, it makes the world a better place and it makes you a better person.

Because, you see, what you practise eventually becomes muscle memory, right? So if you are constantly asking yourself if it’s the right thing to do, if you’re constantly sending out happy energy, if you’re constantly trying to make the world a better place, then it’ll eventually just become second nature to you.

So clap your hands.

Don’t let go of the people that matter.

Kickstart the love.

Cut loose.

And just have fun, because everything else can wait.

(t)rainy dreamy

ten reasons to love rain:

1)If it’s cold, you can snuggle up with friends/ones in particular and watch movies or eat junk food without feeling guilty because hey, it’s raining. No one wants to be out.

2)If it’s warm (or even hot) you can dance in it. And sing.

3)Monsoons are great for taking showers.

4)It’s good for our poor, drought-stricken country.

5)It means you don’t have to be overheated and insomniac because it’s too hot to sleep.

6)Swimming in the rain is one of my favourite pasttimes.

7)Rain makes for good dreams.

8)It’s really romantic.

9)Jump in puddles. Go on, I dare you.

10)God is in the rain.