the thing about butter

So when I lived at home, I was the official “treat maker”. I liked to cook, and so my mum told me that if I made “recess food” (for those who don’t know, recess is the mini break Australian children have in between the start of school and lunchtime. In primary school it’s often known as playtime. I don’t even.) for my family, she would do the dishes. This, all you bakers out there know, is a BIG DEAL.

Unfortunately, I think Dad got stuck with doing most of the dishes and I got stuck with the reputation of avoiding dishes (although I’ve lived out of home for almost three years now and so do all my own dishes. Also, I do dishes for a living. Come on, guys!)

(A lot of parentheses in this post. Just a little notice that I noticed.)

All that to say, when I lived at home, I baked at home. A lot. I like to try things out, I like to bake delicious sweet things. (No, really. I really do. You can’t tell, can you?) Continue reading

stop trying

Just be. Don’t mess around, pretending, playing at life. Don’t put everything off, but don’t do everything at once, either.

Walk through the rain for a whole morning, letting people stare at the crazy girl who hasn’t got an umbrella and isn’t wearing shoes. Take yourself out for breakfast because you want to go out for breakfast and you are worth the time it takes to get there.

Take and afternoon and bake a cake, even if it doesn’t quite come out right or doesn’t quite taste like you thought it would.

Listen to music, watch a fantastic movie, call your friend. Call. Call.

Write a thank you note because thank yous are overrated and outdated. Dance in the rain. Say hello to that guy on the train.

Believe in yourself.

Take your chances.

Help someone else.

Don’t just walk past.

Stop trying. Just be.

And make that cake.

*oh hey, I know I’ve been really really lazy with recipes and such. I am sorry. This one itself was kinda a flop, and I think perhaps I should have measured it better, but hey. It’s my day off, ok?